
Day 3 -Whoop

So made it through the dreaded day 3 of the CWP.  This is when you are most likely caving – I know I have several times in the past but I made it through.

I also made it through with my son eating a KFC in front of me while I was out at the shops – and had only had 1 shake all day!!  Plus about 3l of water lol.

Interesting – I never even smelled the KFC some sort of mental thing going on there.

Yesterday I cut up my bar and had half at lunch (lemon yoghurt) and half after dinner (mint choc) this worked well and definitely something I would recommend.

I also made my dinner which was prawn stir fry – really delicious and I was stuffed after I followed up with vegetable soup.

Its also my TOTM so a bit bloated but the scales are going down and I feel good.

Last Nights Dinner

Also used some FryLight and a tbs of Soy Sauce.


Physical symptoms have not been constipated have actually gone each day – into day 4 which is more than I would normally.

Light headedness is not as bad and still have odd feelings of hunger but again not as bad as day 2 which was the worst.  Have not checked a ketosis strip as need to find them but all good otherwise.

Keep going.


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