Cambridge Weight Plan · Life Change

Day 2 -reality check.

So, Day 2 of the Cambridge Diet.  Restart yet again but in need of a serious reality check have been reading up on the health risks of morbid obesity – ultimately death, invalidity etc.,

Also check my waist to hip ratio and associated BMI I definitely have abdominal obesity and most likely metabolic syndrome.  Again the only thing that is going to cure these things is getting rid of this excess weight and I don’t think carbs in any way shape or form are beneficial to my health right now.  I love bread and pasta but they are like eating poison to me until I rebalance my body and may be forever off the menu – who knows – but certainly they are for now.

I managed okay yesterday was starting to get irritated and a headache / light headed towards the end of the day.  Drank lots of water around 3 litres all day.

I also had my first appointment with my counsellor. She is fab and has been there and got the t-shirt herself which helps.  I was also brutally honest about why I was doing this – health versus vanity – and will need support to overcome the blockers I tend to put in my way for why I CAN do this.

Interesting observation.  I had tried do this 11 months ago with her.  At that time I was 3lbs heavier, for the most part my measurements stayed the same, with a reduction in breast (1″) arms (1″) and things (.5) hips stayed the same but my belly increased by 4″ staggering really but something I knew and this is after almost 48 hours on SS.

As my BMI is over 40 she recommended that I need to start with Step 2 and work down if I want to but that I will be able to get good losses on that.  So I made an omelette.  Together with my soup and bar I was stuffed ! Went to bed early and woke at 5 feeling alert and not ravenous.

The scales are going down too but I am not posting weight losses except on a weekly basis.


Created the above images using a cool site go on and put in your current measurements for a view of your body shape – have to say mine is pretty spot on and predicated shape.

Good luck you can do it.

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